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"L'écran comme espace chorégraphique. Étude sur l'approche cinématographique de la danse d

Master of Research in Dance (2013) from the University of Paris 8 in France, on the subject"The screen as choreographic space. Study on the cinematographic / cinema-choreographic approach   to dance in the works of Maya Deren-Talley Beatty "A study in choreography for Camera" and Merce Cunningham-Charles Atlas "local", under the direction of researcher Julie Perrin. G.Thanks to a merit scholarship from the National Fund for Culture and the Arts and the National Council of Science and Technology through the Scholarships for Study Abroad program, FONCA-CONACYT Mexico 2010-2012.


Ebooks from the Hybrid Creation in Videodance Collection, 2021
Ximena Monroy Rocha and Paulina Ruiz Carballido, editors and compilers, Editorial UDLAP, 2015-2019

Links of info and download of ebooks:

01 Historical memory of videodance, 2015
02 Videodance: hybrid creation, 2017

03 The body in videodance, 2018
04 Curatorship in videodance, 2019

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Merce Cunningham Centennial: the elemental, the unpredictable, the unexpected


A collaboration between the Merce Cunningham Trust Foundation and REDIV 2019 within the framework of the Cunningham Centenary.


Curatorship: Silvina Szperling (VideoDanzaBA Festival, Argentina), Paulina Ruiz Carballido (Agite y Sirva Itinerant Videodance Festival, Mexico), Mauro Cacciatore (VideoDanzaBA Festival, Argentina), Alejandra Diaz (Crear in Libertad, Paraguay), Paulo Caldas (dança em focus, Brazil) and Martha Hincapié Charry (SurReal, Colombia/Germany).

Art in Motion / Art en mouvement: Current Research in Screendance / recherches actuelles e

Carballido, Paulina Ruiz. "The Screen as Choreographic Space." In Franck Boulégue and Marisa C. Hayes (Eds.) Art in Motion / Art en mouvement: Current Research in Screendance / recherches actuelles en cine-danse.Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. 130–138

Editors: Franck Boulegue and Marisa C. Hayes.

ohbulls: June Allen, Marion Carrot, Amprimoz Clotilde, Mariann Gaal, Tim Glenn, Marisa Hayes, Stephanie Herfeld, Claudia Kappenberg, Paulina Ruiz Carballido, Gabriela Tropia, and Sophie Walon.

Revue Images secondes Explorer et analyser l'histoire et les mutations du cinéma

La Creación hybride en vidéodanse, a collection mexicaine et internationale
Ximena Monroy Rocha - Paulina Ruiz Carballido, Revue Images secondes, 2018


¿Cómo filmar un cuerpo en movimiento en un mundo hostil?
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