
Master of Research in Dance (2013) from the University of Paris 8 in France, on the subject"The screen as choreographic space. Study on the cinematographic / cinema-choreographic approach to dance in the works of Maya Deren-Talley Beatty "A study in choreography for Camera" and Merce Cunningham-Charles Atlas "local", under the direction of researcher Julie Perrin. G.Thanks to a merit scholarship from the National Fund for Culture and the Arts and the National Council of Science and Technology through the Scholarships for Study Abroad program, FONCA-CONACYT Mexico 2010-2012.
Ebooks from the Hybrid Creation in Videodance Collection, 2021
Ximena Monroy Rocha and Paulina Ruiz Carballido, editors and compilers, Editorial UDLAP, 2015-2019
Links of info and download of ebooks:
01 Historical memory of videodance, 2015
02 Videodance: hybrid creation, 2017
03 The body in videodance, 2018
04 Curatorship in videodance, 2019
Merce Cunningham Centennial: the elemental, the unpredictable, the unexpected
A collaboration between the Merce Cunningham Trust Foundation and REDIV 2019 within the framework of the Cunningham Centenary.
Curatorship: Silvina Szperling (VideoDanzaBA Festival, Argentina), Paulina Ruiz Carballido (Agite y Sirva Itinerant Videodance Festival, Mexico), Mauro Cacciatore (VideoDanzaBA Festival, Argentina), Alejandra Diaz (Crear in Libertad, Paraguay), Paulo Caldas (dança em focus, Brazil) and Martha Hincapié Charry (SurReal, Colombia/Germany).
Carballido, Paulina Ruiz. "The Screen as Choreographic Space." In Franck Boulégue and Marisa C. Hayes (Eds.) Art in Motion / Art en mouvement: Current Research in Screendance / recherches actuelles en cine-danse.Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. 130–138
Editors: Franck Boulegue and Marisa C. Hayes.
ohbulls: June Allen, Marion Carrot, Amprimoz Clotilde, Mariann Gaal, Tim Glenn, Marisa Hayes, Stephanie Herfeld, Claudia Kappenberg, Paulina Ruiz Carballido, Gabriela Tropia, and Sophie Walon.
La Creación hybride en vidéodanse, a collection mexicaine et internationale
Ximena Monroy Rocha - Paulina Ruiz Carballido, Revue Images secondes, 2018
How to film a moving body in a hostile world? (ES, FR, EN), Hybrid communities, Oaxaca, 2015
This manifesto, available in Spanish, French and English, was co-written during 8 days of theoretical-practical research within the International Videodance Residency «Hybrid Communities 2015». Collective writing: Ladys Gonzalez (Argentina), Priscilla Guy and Emilie Morin (Canada), Camille Auburtin and Jean-Baptiste Fave (France), Benito González, Rocío Becerril Porras, Yolanda M. Guadarrama, Ximena Monroy Rocha, Laura Ríos, Paulina Ruiz Carballido, Alfredo Salomón and Laura Vera (Mexico). Graphic conception of the manifesto: Étienne Després (Canada).